Last Updated on by ThaiCuisine

Shrimp Balls (Tod Mun Goong)

There are many ways to cook the “Tod Mun Goong” of the Shrimp Balls dish in different places. People generally use the traditional cooking methods from Thailand and Thai Cuisines which are well known for being fastidious about making this dish look white and tender. The dish resembles hibiscus rising out of water: after it is freshly and beautifully cooked. The colorful embellishment is gorgeous, and the taste is scrumptious.
Shrimp Balls (Tod Mun Goong)


  • 500    grams prawns
  • ½    cup pork hard fat
  • ½    cup bread crumb
  • ½    teaspoon salt
  • 1/8    teaspoon white pepper
  • Frying oil


  • Wash the prawns, then peel and devein them.
  • Cut the pork fat into small pieces.  Grind the prawns and pork fat together.  Add salt, pepper and knead into a sticky mass.
  • Wet hands before handle the prawns to prevent sticking.  Form the prawn into 1-2 tablespoon  balls, then press down to flatten the balls.  Coat the balls with bread crumb.
  • Heat the frying oil in a deep fat fryer and fry the prawn balls until golden brown on both sides, about 6 minutes.
  • Put the cooked balls on absorbent paper.  Transfer into lettuce-lined plate.  Serve with prune sauce, pineapple and tomato slices.

Shrimp Balls (Tod Mun Goong)
That’s about Shrimp Balls keep it as a try ^-^

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Shrimp Balls (Tod Mun Goong)
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